• Clean Water Act section 404 permits including Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide and Individual permits

Our team keeps a close eye on the constant rule changes associated with Corps jurisdiction and permits.  We work closely with our clients and Corps staff to ensure even complicated projects are permitted in a timely fashion to keep the projects moving forward.

  • USFWS and NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) permits

Though called “permit” by some, these are really biological opinions that allow your federal permit, such as an U.S. Army Corps permit, to proceed. They also provide the project with coverage when special status species are present. These Section 7 consultations can be time consuming but are critical components of the of project permitting.

  • CDFW lake and streambed alteration agreements


CDFW 1600 (LSAA) applications are now all competed digitally under a new system with the CDFW.  These are the most commonly required permits for projects in California.

  • State Regional Water Quality Control Board (SRWQCB) 401 permitting

With many jurisdictional and permitting changes over the last few years, Regional Water Board permits have become some of the most complicated permits to obtain. We work on dozens of these each year within and outside of the Bay Area.

  • California Coastal Commission and Bay Conservation and Development Commission permits

Coastal Commission and/or BCDC permits are often necessary especially in the Bay Area, which contains hundreds of miles of Bay, Delta, and Pacific coastlines.  Our staff has worked in all of these areas and with these agencies and know how to get these permits processes in a timely manner.

  • Consultations for Federal Endangered Species Act section 7 and California Endangered Species Act section 2081

Each year we undertake a variety of projects involving federal and state listed species, which require these consultations. Many of these projects have complicated species issues, which is why it is critical to have a team like ours that both understands plant and wildlife species issues and also knows how to guide your project through the process efficiently.

  • Environmental support for NEPA and CEQA compliance

Our Biological Assessments, species assessments and other biological documents are completed accurately and comprehensively to ensure that they stand up to any challenges during the NEPA and CEQA process.

  • State Lands permitting

When a project involves a piece of state lands property, you need a team that has experience working on these parcels.  We have over 30 years of experience with these types of projects.
