Bio Consulting

Biotic Assessments to plan for and Assess Biological Constraints

Over the past several years we have completed a number of biotic assessments in the Napa and Sonoma region to assist vineyards in expanding, enhancing, or otherwise altering their vineyard operations.  One such project, Amichi Cellars, which is located just outside of downtown Calistoga, required a biotic assessment to assess the environmental conditions on their property to gain approval for a modernization and modification project.

Zentner conducted surveys of the project site and identified the site’s special biotic resources which included an ephemeral drainage, a pond that supported the special status western pond turtle, and oak woodland habitat that contained a variety of native plant species. We provided a thorough biotic assessment of the project site with a discussion of the proposed project’s potential impacts on these resources. We then worked with the client to identify sensible avoidance and minimization measures to reduce and prevent potential project impacts to resources and we included these measures in the biotic assessment.

Our biotic assessment allowed our client to complete the biological component of their permit process and provided them with a clear path forward for their project. The completed biotic assessment also provided the client with a better understanding of their property’s biological constraints and so that they can plan for future projects.



Kenzo Estate Vineyard: Surveys and Assessments Help Project Avoid Species Issues

Zentner Planning and Ecology was hired by Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty who represented Kenzo Estate to complete a Biological Assessment for an infrastructure project. The project involved wine tunnel expansion as well as related road work that would pass through some sensitive plant habitat. Through our survey and assessment work for the project, we were able to locate sensitive plant species and demonstrate that they were located well away from the proposed road work. We also worked with the client to revise minor road work in order to avoid potential western pond turtle habitat. Our biological work allowed the project to move forward with the necessary approvals.


Due Diligence Biological Work Aids in Planning for Solar Project

Zentner Planning and Ecology was hired to complete due diligence biological work on a potential solar site located south of the Napa Airport in Napa County. This was a complex site with horse pastures, seasonal wetlands, and other sensitive habitat. Our preliminary delineation work determined that the site contained a portion of a tidal marsh and a number of seasonal wetlands. As well, we determined that sensitive species could be an issue depending upon project design and layout. However, we were able to show that a good portion of the site was likely upland and, therefore, could be developed with little to no impacts to wetlands or other jurisdictional areas, while keeping potential species issues to a minimum.


Developing Mitigation Solutions

Developing Mitigation Solutions for the Mariners Walk Project

In relatively well-developed areas, such as western Contra Costa County, finding mitigation sites can be problematic. Uplands with potential for restoration are often earmarked for other development projects, making them cost-prohibitive for mitigation work. At Mariner’s Walk, in Martinez, Zentner Planning and Ecology worked with RWQCB staff to identify local mitigation sites for an Olson Company project. When no readily available sites were found, we identified a mitigation site in neighboring Solano County, across the Carquinez Strait. Although initially reluctant to cross County borders, RWQCB staff were persuaded by our ecological analyses demonstrating the similarities between the development and mitigation sites and approved the project. 

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Streamlined Monitoring of Multiple Projects

Multi-Project monitoring for Contra Costa County

Zentner Planning and Ecology completed monitoring for ten different restoration and mitigation sites for Contra Costa County Public Works.   The projects included a variety of wetland and woodland habitats in different stages of monitoring with a mixture of performance standards.  We were able to combine the monitoring into a single yearly report that was submitted to Federal and State regulatory agencies, thereby streamlining the monitoring process appreciably.