• Ecological constraints analyses/due diligence assessments

These analyses and assessments are used to rapidly identify a property’s biological constraints; critical elements in project decision-making. These documents help clients to determine the associated permits, costs, and timelines of a project.  Our analyses and assessments can be highly detailed or brief overviews depending on the project and the client’s needs.

  • CDFW and USFWS protocol-level surveys for wildlife and plant species

The Zentner biologist are qualified and experienced at completing CDFW and USFWS protocol-levels surveys for a variety of federal and state listed wildlife and plant species. Our team completes these surveys thoroughly and accurately and we provide clear and detailed survey reports that get agency approvals.

  • Pre-construction surveys

Pre-construction surveys are often a requirement of regulatory agency permits. The Zentner team’s biologists are able to complete these surveys and prepare the reports thoroughly and quickly to prevent project delays and ensure permit compliance.

  • Special status species surveys

Special status species surveys may be required for a project prior to permitting, during the permitting process, prior to beginning project work, or even during project work. Our team completes dozens of special status surveys for amphibians, reptiles, dish, birds, and mammals each year. A partial list of the species which the Zentner staff has expertise is below:

  • Alameda whipsnake

  • Giant garter snake

  • Western pond turtle

  • California red-legged frog

  • California tiger salamander

  • Foothill yellow-legged frog

  • Western burrowing owl

  • San Joaquin kit fox

  • Vernal pool branchiopods

  • Swainson’s hawk

  • Golden eagle

  • Nesting bird and bat surveys

Nesting bird and bat surveys are a common project requirement and our team completes many of these surveys each year. We have the ability to complete these surveys quickly and accurately in order to provide our clients with thorough survey reports to prevent project delays.