Maintaining Project Momentum Despite Biological Constraints

Each year the Zentner staff completes numerous pre-construction nesting bird and roosting bat surveys at a variety of project sites ranging from small infill projects to larger vineyard and open space projects.  In 2020, the Zentner team was hired to complete nesting bird and bat surveys on an infill project in the City of Newark. By the time Zentner staff were hired to complete the surveys, the project start had already been delayed numerous times and the client was eager to begin progress on the project.

 During Zentner’s survey, no roosting bats were identified, however, one active nest was observed on the project site.  Zentner staff identified the nesting bird species, established a protective buffer in compliance with the project permits, and provided the client with a figure clearly defining the buffer. Though the presence of this active nest had the potential to delay the project start by several weeks, we worked with the client to identify project activities that could be completed outside of the protective buffer and without disturbing the active nest. Because of this work, the client did not incur significant project delays and they were able to continue to make progress on the project, despite the presence of the active nest. Zentner staff closely monitored the nest for activity and signs of distress and we notified the client once the nest was no longer active so that the project could continue without further restrictions.

This project is an example of why it is important to use experienced and knowledgeable staff to complete pre-construction surveys. The Zentner staff can make sure that your pre-construction project requirements are thoroughly satisfied, while helping to prevent and reduce project delays resulting from biological constraints.

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